Thursday, December 29, 2011

The World's Youngest Archeologist and Explorer

My original Steampunk "group" consists of myself, my friend Devin (Viktor Graves) and his now 15 year old daughter Fionna (Lily Loos). His 11 year old daughter Fae wanted to join as well but was seen as too immature for her age to really get into something without being overly hyper, sensitive, et cetera. Yesterday, she finally got fed up.

Now, Fae is dyslexic so please excuse the spelling. This was incredibly cute however and got her Dad to start helping her develop ideas on what her Steampunk look and persona would entail:

"daddy i love seem punk but you don't see that , it dus not matter if i am musher . i just want to be in it with you and Karina and fifi
i fell left out , but you don't see that , i just think you shod let me have a chains ."

INCREDIBLY CUTE. And it isn't like Fae gets left out. Dana (Devin's wife), Devin and Fae (as well as myself) are all in the SCA together and go to events together as well (Fionna isn't into it anymore but grew up in the SCA). Fae gets to be occasionally a pirate or a viking depending on which piece of garb she throws on for events. I think it is that she sees how excited we are and wants to be a part of everything her Dad does. Incredibly cute.

Anyway, so Fae LOVES anything to do with Egypt. She wanted to be a Steampunk mummy (XD!!!) but since that won't work her Dad is helping her to be "The World's Youngest Archeologist and Explorer." He is currently working on getting her a British Pith helmet. This is what she wrote in response:

"thank you daddy for making me a explorer in seem punk , but were are we going to get the piff helmet ?!"

Don't you just love her already? SEEM PUNK!

Here is a picture her Dad mocked up for her (be aware she ALWAYS makes super silly faces in pictures):

Here is a picture of the gun he Steampunked for her as well. Be aware. WE IZ POOR. He doesn't have finances too so the whole "paint it brass and glue cogs to it" works for us. Sorry folks!

She is making her evil face here....don't ask me why.... XD

That's all for now! :] I will post more about Fae's persona and costume development as it maps out!

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