Thursday, December 8, 2011

Making a new skirt!

I can barely sew. I took a sewing class in high school and got the best grade in the class but once it was over I never took up sewing again. The class was for basics anyway so I only made a pair of pajama pants, little draw string bags and a small simple dress for my baby sister. I am now in the SCA and am getting into Steampunk so I want to start sewing again. Problem is I don't have patterns, can't make anything fancy and I need some assistance!

Not being able to sew is the main reason all the parts of my Steampunk outfit are from the thrift store and pulled together. I don't think it looks bad but it could be better...much better.

Last Chrononaut (I''ll blog on this event soon but for now just check the site! I ripped the hip of my plain black skirt. DISPAIR! My Mom offered to help me make another simple skirt to wear to the H.M.S ball coming up this weekend and I was happy to accept! She found a material that is actually pretty ugly in our spare cloth that we tend to collect. It works for my costume but I would probably never wear it for anything but Steampunk stuff. It works for my persona though! Dark with bloody looking roses! YAY!

Even when I had my part time job at Target I could barely afford to get my SCA clothes made. Steampunk stuff is even more expensive! I need to build up some skills asap!

Here is the material and my old skirt. I'll post another blog once the skirt actually gets finished!

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