Thursday, December 8, 2011

One eyed Mina and her Monogoggle

My Steampunk persona tends to wear an eyepatch to cover her right eye. I didn't know what sort of story to make up as to WHY until recently. I just knew that I loved the idea of a missing or deformed eye. Covering it makes people wonder and adds a sense of mystery. I really liked that. My friend told me I should say I cover the eye because it "sees things" such as ghosts and other entities that most people don't see. That fits my persona seeing as she is a Steam Powered Witch. I want to get white out contacts to wear for goth events and also on ONE eye for when I don't wear a patch for Steampunk events. friend helped me make a monogoggle for my eye recently! I love it although it is a little bright for my dark persona. I plan on making different types as I get funds and time. I am excited about the potential these monogoggles will have!

They are made using a colored lens, plastic gardeners goggles, spray paint, leather for the straps,jewelers lens and some metal bit from Home Depot that I can never remember the name of. XD

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