Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Steampunk Mask Part TWO!

Tonight David and I spent the evening making masks for the H.M.S. Ball on 10 December 2011. I wrote about it already briefly in a previous blog that you should check out!

David and I didn't have a whole lot to work with (we didn't know what we wanted to do in the first place and so just worked with what we have) but we found ways to make what we have work. Both of our masks still need a lot of work but we are working hard at getting them done for the ball!

Also, Frenzy Universe on Facebook is having a contest this week for best Steampunk mask! David and I are both entering our masks and hope to win! I would probably cry if I won! :]

Here are some more pictures and such of the progress!

YAY! I am excited to get them done hopefully tomorrow!

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