Tuesday, December 20, 2011

New Jewelry! 20 December 2011

I've been telling myself I need to make more jewelry for Mina's Apothecary. I finally got to it today while watching Hellboy (AGAIN!). Here are my newest pieces with their story underneath! To see full listings find me on Etsy! Username: minasapothecary

Prometheus Bound - Chain Necklace with Cogs and Gears

I created this necklace from chain purchased from an elderly Greek man living on the island of Crete. He claims it was forged by the god Hephaestus for the purpose of binding the titan Prometheus. Prometheus is said to have brought fire to man and was punished to all eternity for his actions. The old man told me the chains would bind any person for eternity or until the person who bound the chains released them. If this is true, I would be careful to only adorn yourself with this necklace by your own hand....

Gears of Love - The Tragic Story of a Texas Shotgun Wedding - Necklace

I was in Texas recently for a "shotgun wedding." Unfortunately, the attendees as well as the bride and groom themselves were unaware how fitting that name was. The term "shotgun wedding" usually refers to a forced marriage when a woman finds herself pregnant out of wedlock. This bride however was not happy with her forced groom and shot him just after she muttered "I Do." She always did love dramatics. Dear sweetly psychotic Jean-Marie. I made this necklace from the bullet I pulled from her dearly departed husband's chest while all others were in a panic.

This necklace is a symbol of freedom. It is also a symbol not to messed with a strong and upset woman.

The Rose and Cog - A Story of Lost Love and Airships - Necklace

I acquired this piece through an old friend back in my hometown of Leipzig. She claims there was was an Airship Pirate Captain named Dieter Herrmann who managed to win the heart of the daughter of a local Bürgermeister, despite the fact that she had been betrothed to another. When the Bürgermeister discovered that she was planning to elope with the dashing Captain, he had a squad of Assault Airships bring his ship down. The daughter, Sabine Schulze, wept for months. Eventually she made a necklace from some of the parts of her dear Captain’s destroyed craft. She never married, and died old and alone while wearing all she had left of her lost love.

It is rumored that whoever wears this necklace will never feel the pains of love and yearning.

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