Thursday, December 15, 2011

H.M.S. Ball AND my finished skirt!

The H.M.S. ball was on 10 December 2011. We got there a little after 8pm. It was from 6-10:30 and we left about 10:15. It was fun for the most part. I got to see some SCA people I recently met and started talking to which was nice. There were also a few vendors as well. I got to see Steam Powered Giraffe play for the first time. They are MUCH better live than in their youtube videos. I didn't really understand their appeal when I watched the videos but found them amusing and fun in person. I would have enjoyed myself more if I had not been filled with anxiety over meeting some of my date's friends and also having to be around his exes who don't much care for him. I was was a little put off by it but am fine now!

The ball also made me want to start taking Victorian era dance lessons. I am afraid of dancing or even attempting it in public because I have NO IDEA what I am doing. I might even start learning Medieval dances as well through the SCA.

I didn't get many pictures of the night sadly. My Mom wasn't home to take pictures and I didn't feel comfortable enough at the event to whip my camera out more than once. NEXT year will be better! I just need to get over things a bit! I did enjoy myself though.

Here are also pictures of the finished skirt. It was simple and just went straight down. We didn't have the pattern, time or material to make a bustle skirt or anything fancy. I was fine with what I had. My Mom even let me borrow her cover up/ scarf thing to place down the center.

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