Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dragon Corsets - I WON A WAIST CINCHER!

This year has NOT been the best (not the worst though!). I have not been able to find a job since July, my businesses are not doing that fabulous and just things don't seem to be going my way. I can't complain though. I have a roof over my head and am not starving. I still do a lot of the things I used to do...just try to keep it cheap or free!

Then, I entered a contest to win a waist cincher from Dragon Corsets on their Facebook fan page (I would link it but every time I try my blog gets messed up). I had been posting a lot of corsets and waist cinchers on my page and when I came home today and found out I WON one I pretty much started nearly crying. I teared a little. :] I tried to refrain so my makeup wouldn't fun and sting my eyes horribly. XD

I am the happiest woman EVER right now!

They are having ANOTHER share and give away! GO ENTER! It is a fabulous Steampunk inspired corset! Totally drool worthy!

Here was the promotion:

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