Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gifts for a Steam Powered 15 Year Old

Today I realized that I never made or bought anything for the birthday of the daughter of a close friend. She turned 15 today and her birthday party is this Saturday. Since I am meeting her and her father for the Steam Powered Giraffe Carnival this Saturday and heading to their house after I figured I should make her a gift! I HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO MAKE HER. I don't have any funds or a car to drive out and get something so I had to work with what I had...again. XD

Her dad gave me a good idea to make barrettes for her since her hair is VERY short except her bang thingies (she has a hair cut that is nearly fully clipped in the back and long in the front). Thankfully, I had a new packet of clips so I glued some little gear/cogs on them and VOILA! GIFT COMPLETE! Simple but she knows I don't have much.

I also made her some simple earrings for Christmas since I already made her sister a gift (a vial of "Egyptian Sand"). I've made her earrings before that were better but these are for her other holes or for when she wants to dress down. I just hope she likes them! Her Mom is making her a nice brooch for her new coat. We are a crafty bunch. :]

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