Friday, December 23, 2011

Bullet Casing Earrings at Mina's Apothecary

My friend Leslie Gregory of "Blyth House Creations" sent me some bullet casings a while back. I recently got to work drilling them and making them into jewelry! Here are some earrings I made tonight and the start of their gruesome story....

"The American West. A land filled with chaos, cowboys...and the Kentucky Cannibal. Boone Helm was a serial killer with a taste for blood. Literally. These bullet casings were collected as the authorities attempted to track down the vicious murderer. I happened to "acquire" a few of them. My sources are such blessings...

These bullet casings are rumored to cause cannibalistic tendencies in whoever decides to wear them. Be warned. Be cautious."

All on Mina's Apothecary on Etsy! Username: minasapothecary

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