Thursday, December 29, 2011

The World's Youngest Archeologist and Explorer

My original Steampunk "group" consists of myself, my friend Devin (Viktor Graves) and his now 15 year old daughter Fionna (Lily Loos). His 11 year old daughter Fae wanted to join as well but was seen as too immature for her age to really get into something without being overly hyper, sensitive, et cetera. Yesterday, she finally got fed up.

Now, Fae is dyslexic so please excuse the spelling. This was incredibly cute however and got her Dad to start helping her develop ideas on what her Steampunk look and persona would entail:

"daddy i love seem punk but you don't see that , it dus not matter if i am musher . i just want to be in it with you and Karina and fifi
i fell left out , but you don't see that , i just think you shod let me have a chains ."

INCREDIBLY CUTE. And it isn't like Fae gets left out. Dana (Devin's wife), Devin and Fae (as well as myself) are all in the SCA together and go to events together as well (Fionna isn't into it anymore but grew up in the SCA). Fae gets to be occasionally a pirate or a viking depending on which piece of garb she throws on for events. I think it is that she sees how excited we are and wants to be a part of everything her Dad does. Incredibly cute.

Anyway, so Fae LOVES anything to do with Egypt. She wanted to be a Steampunk mummy (XD!!!) but since that won't work her Dad is helping her to be "The World's Youngest Archeologist and Explorer." He is currently working on getting her a British Pith helmet. This is what she wrote in response:

"thank you daddy for making me a explorer in seem punk , but were are we going to get the piff helmet ?!"

Don't you just love her already? SEEM PUNK!

Here is a picture her Dad mocked up for her (be aware she ALWAYS makes super silly faces in pictures):

Here is a picture of the gun he Steampunked for her as well. Be aware. WE IZ POOR. He doesn't have finances too so the whole "paint it brass and glue cogs to it" works for us. Sorry folks!

She is making her evil face here....don't ask me why.... XD

That's all for now! :] I will post more about Fae's persona and costume development as it maps out!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Fake Nose Rings!

I've always wanted a pierced nose but with my constant sinus issues (ew! boogies!) I have never gotten it done. I was looking up fake piercing components online but they were far too expensive. I wanted a nose ring with a chain across my cheek leading to my ear for one of my Steampunk costumes but even with what I created here the chain seems too heavy.

Here are some examples of the nose rings I made using copper wire I had laying around (gauge unknown):


I made them out of cut pieces of wire but figured if you had big enough and thinner jump rings you could make them out of those as well. If you happen to make some...I want to seeeee! :]

FAILCAT! Failed Attempt at Cheshire Cat Face Paint

So...I found some pretty awesome face painting examples on of people who painted their faces to look like Cheshire Cat from "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." I attempted it...and failed...miserably. My artistic talent and available materials was just not up to par!

Here is a shot if the video doesn't work:

I see you laughing...and is hilarious. :]

Friday, December 23, 2011

Bullet Casing Earrings at Mina's Apothecary

My friend Leslie Gregory of "Blyth House Creations" sent me some bullet casings a while back. I recently got to work drilling them and making them into jewelry! Here are some earrings I made tonight and the start of their gruesome story....

"The American West. A land filled with chaos, cowboys...and the Kentucky Cannibal. Boone Helm was a serial killer with a taste for blood. Literally. These bullet casings were collected as the authorities attempted to track down the vicious murderer. I happened to "acquire" a few of them. My sources are such blessings...

These bullet casings are rumored to cause cannibalistic tendencies in whoever decides to wear them. Be warned. Be cautious."

All on Mina's Apothecary on Etsy! Username: minasapothecary

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

New Youtube Channel

When I used to do Youtube videos under "thewellandspindle" it brought me a lot of success in my Etsy shop, allowed me to share some of my knowledge and connect to other people. Yesterday, I started a new Youtube channel for my Steampunk and Fantasy videos (Meaning: Me rambling about stuff I like). They are quick, ramble-licious be the judge!

For some reason every time I try to post a link here it DIES. So just look me up on Youtube! "waywardmina"! DOO EEET! :]

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

New Jewelry! 20 December 2011

I've been telling myself I need to make more jewelry for Mina's Apothecary. I finally got to it today while watching Hellboy (AGAIN!). Here are my newest pieces with their story underneath! To see full listings find me on Etsy! Username: minasapothecary

Prometheus Bound - Chain Necklace with Cogs and Gears

I created this necklace from chain purchased from an elderly Greek man living on the island of Crete. He claims it was forged by the god Hephaestus for the purpose of binding the titan Prometheus. Prometheus is said to have brought fire to man and was punished to all eternity for his actions. The old man told me the chains would bind any person for eternity or until the person who bound the chains released them. If this is true, I would be careful to only adorn yourself with this necklace by your own hand....

Gears of Love - The Tragic Story of a Texas Shotgun Wedding - Necklace

I was in Texas recently for a "shotgun wedding." Unfortunately, the attendees as well as the bride and groom themselves were unaware how fitting that name was. The term "shotgun wedding" usually refers to a forced marriage when a woman finds herself pregnant out of wedlock. This bride however was not happy with her forced groom and shot him just after she muttered "I Do." She always did love dramatics. Dear sweetly psychotic Jean-Marie. I made this necklace from the bullet I pulled from her dearly departed husband's chest while all others were in a panic.

This necklace is a symbol of freedom. It is also a symbol not to messed with a strong and upset woman.

The Rose and Cog - A Story of Lost Love and Airships - Necklace

I acquired this piece through an old friend back in my hometown of Leipzig. She claims there was was an Airship Pirate Captain named Dieter Herrmann who managed to win the heart of the daughter of a local Bürgermeister, despite the fact that she had been betrothed to another. When the Bürgermeister discovered that she was planning to elope with the dashing Captain, he had a squad of Assault Airships bring his ship down. The daughter, Sabine Schulze, wept for months. Eventually she made a necklace from some of the parts of her dear Captain’s destroyed craft. She never married, and died old and alone while wearing all she had left of her lost love.

It is rumored that whoever wears this necklace will never feel the pains of love and yearning.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

New photos!

Today was pretty great. Devin (Viktor Graves in the Steampunk world) and I went to the Steam Powered Giraffe Cavlawhateverheck Carnival (which didn't suit us so we left) and then took pictures in Balboa Park in our Steampunk garb. We have been meaning for months to do another "photo shoot" with my cheap camera and we got the chance today. Unfortunately, his daughter Fionna (Lily Loos) was not able to come with. She was busy preparing for her birthday party that night (which we went to after). NEXT TIME PROMETHEAN!

It is always fun dressing up and having your picture taken! Even just with friends and a camera you got at Target with your employee discount. XD

Here are a few shots of me from today:

To see MORE add me on Facebook! I love new friends! "Wilhelmina Ophelia Kaiser"

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dragon Corsets - I WON A WAIST CINCHER!

This year has NOT been the best (not the worst though!). I have not been able to find a job since July, my businesses are not doing that fabulous and just things don't seem to be going my way. I can't complain though. I have a roof over my head and am not starving. I still do a lot of the things I used to do...just try to keep it cheap or free!

Then, I entered a contest to win a waist cincher from Dragon Corsets on their Facebook fan page (I would link it but every time I try my blog gets messed up). I had been posting a lot of corsets and waist cinchers on my page and when I came home today and found out I WON one I pretty much started nearly crying. I teared a little. :] I tried to refrain so my makeup wouldn't fun and sting my eyes horribly. XD

I am the happiest woman EVER right now!

They are having ANOTHER share and give away! GO ENTER! It is a fabulous Steampunk inspired corset! Totally drool worthy!

Here was the promotion:

Garb in the Making - STEAMPUNK'D Medieval Middle Eastern!

Recently I have been in dispair over my current thrown together Steampunk garb. I loved what I was able to find from Thrift Stores and what I already had from old work clothes and things until I went to a Steampunk ball recently. I saw all the other women in their nicely made or store bought garb and how form fitting and feminine it was. My garb fits my persona but they don't know my persona and don't give a damn. So I went searching for garb I couldn't afford and drooled over it.

My good friends Dana and Devin saw this and talked about it. Dana agreed to make me a new costume out of the stashed material she had sitting in her garage. I was so excited! I still am! I was amazed I found PERFECT materials for each piece of the garb she is making. We are all in the SCA (I am a Norsewoman!) and so she has a pattern for Medieval Middle Eastern garb. She thought it would be cool to make me garb with a Steampunk flair (like cogs and gears on my waist belt, etc).

Here is the material we picked out today! Devin said she can hopefully get to work after the holidays! I am so happy! I have to find a wait to repay her!






Friday, December 16, 2011

Half Sizes at Mina's Apothecary!

While ordering more bottles for Mina's Apothecary I noticed there are 1/4 ounce bottles in the same shape as the ones I am using now. When I was buying bottles before for my other Etsy shop (The Well And Spindle. Username: thewellandspindle) I never needed them so small. These are perfect for half size versions of some of my creations! Not half the PRICE but half of the bottle space. The bottles are still almost the same price as the other bottles and take just as much work.

Anyway, here is my first batch showing size comparison!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

H.M.S. Ball AND my finished skirt!

The H.M.S. ball was on 10 December 2011. We got there a little after 8pm. It was from 6-10:30 and we left about 10:15. It was fun for the most part. I got to see some SCA people I recently met and started talking to which was nice. There were also a few vendors as well. I got to see Steam Powered Giraffe play for the first time. They are MUCH better live than in their youtube videos. I didn't really understand their appeal when I watched the videos but found them amusing and fun in person. I would have enjoyed myself more if I had not been filled with anxiety over meeting some of my date's friends and also having to be around his exes who don't much care for him. I was was a little put off by it but am fine now!

The ball also made me want to start taking Victorian era dance lessons. I am afraid of dancing or even attempting it in public because I have NO IDEA what I am doing. I might even start learning Medieval dances as well through the SCA.

I didn't get many pictures of the night sadly. My Mom wasn't home to take pictures and I didn't feel comfortable enough at the event to whip my camera out more than once. NEXT year will be better! I just need to get over things a bit! I did enjoy myself though.

Here are also pictures of the finished skirt. It was simple and just went straight down. We didn't have the pattern, time or material to make a bustle skirt or anything fancy. I was fine with what I had. My Mom even let me borrow her cover up/ scarf thing to place down the center.

Gifts for a Steam Powered 15 Year Old

Today I realized that I never made or bought anything for the birthday of the daughter of a close friend. She turned 15 today and her birthday party is this Saturday. Since I am meeting her and her father for the Steam Powered Giraffe Carnival this Saturday and heading to their house after I figured I should make her a gift! I HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO MAKE HER. I don't have any funds or a car to drive out and get something so I had to work with what I had...again. XD

Her dad gave me a good idea to make barrettes for her since her hair is VERY short except her bang thingies (she has a hair cut that is nearly fully clipped in the back and long in the front). Thankfully, I had a new packet of clips so I glued some little gear/cogs on them and VOILA! GIFT COMPLETE! Simple but she knows I don't have much.

I also made her some simple earrings for Christmas since I already made her sister a gift (a vial of "Egyptian Sand"). I've made her earrings before that were better but these are for her other holes or for when she wants to dress down. I just hope she likes them! Her Mom is making her a nice brooch for her new coat. We are a crafty bunch. :]

Friday, December 9, 2011

Steampunk Masks COMPLETE!

After two nights of full on mask making David and I got our masks done last night! Now, to finish this blog and then enter them into the Frenzy Universe contest this week on Facebook! Look them up! I check out their fan page constantly!

The masks are not perfect...but they are comfy and made just for us! I like them. :]

Are you ready for...masks of Steampunk-ed-ness? ;]

Steampunk Mask Part THREE!

So, the second night David and I got together we finally finished our masks! So much hot glue, scraps, and crap all over the place! Half the mess is still on my floor! I finished mine early in the evening and made some jewelry while he completed his mask. I had a lot of fun making the masks despite the frustration at some points! I am going to post another blog of just the finished product during the day in my next post!

Here is the last night of mask making: